Cushcraft HV-4EÂ 40/20/15/10 Meter low-profile Vertical Antenna spans continents and oceans while hiding from sight in your back yard.
Handles 1200 Watts SSB, 500 Watts CW, 500 Watts digital on 40 Meters -- run with the big dogs!!
- Low angle radiation focuses RF energy on the horizon for optimum DX coverage.
- High-angle overhead null rejects noise and local interference.
- Automatic band-switching uses high-tech parallel end resonators instead of lossy series traps.Â
- High-Q top-loading resonators delivers less loss, higher gain on 20/15/10 Meters.
- Center loading on 40 Meters improves efficiency and lowers center of gravity making HV-4E easier to handle and increases strong wind survivability.Â
- Individual resonators are simple to tune for lowest-SWR with to-the-kHz accuracy on every band. No unwanted interactions or compromises!.Â
- Aluminum, stainless steel, and fiberglass construction ensure years of reliable service.
- Weighs just 5 pounds and is19 feet tall. Built in Water resistance SO-239 for radio--no pigtail needed.
-  Small footprint, low center of gravity and lightweight lets you easily install it by yourself almost anywhere. Low profile blends in with natural surroundings .
- Low cost Radial Kit available.
- Low cost Tilt Mount available.Â
HV-4E-RK, $49.95.Eight 25 foot Radials(two sets of 4-Radials), each set with solder lug, (200 feet total weather resistance insulated wire).
HV-4E-TB, $29.95.Sturdy Tilt Mount lets you lower antenna to convenient height for easy tuning and maintenance. Â
 Compare price and compare performance. The bands are currently teaming with DX from around the world ,and the HV-4E is uniquely designed to put you in the hunt!Â
 Comparison: Cushcraft HV-4E versus Hustler 4-BTVÂ
Cushcraft HV-4E |
Hustler 4-BTV |
Enhanced 40 Meter Performance: Extra-long center loaded radiator improves efficiency |
Decreased 40 Meter Performance: 40 Meter power goes through multiple power wasting series traps |
Highly efficient end/center loading: Reduces loss for more power out |
Lossy Traps: Power lost in traps |
Parallel resonators:  Let’s you independently tune each band with little or no interaction. Makes tuning easy |
Series resonators: Tuning a band interacts with other bands -- may require repeated back and forth adjustments |
Parallel resonators: If one resonator fails only that band is impacted |
Series resonators: If a single trap fails, multiple bands could be wiped out |
Included simple instruction makes installation and optimum tune up easy |
 A “special instruction package†is recommended for teaching users how to retune 4-BTV traps and optimize performance |
Low center of gravity makes it easy to handle/install and gives better wind survivability |
High center of gravity makes it hard to handle |
Built-in SO-239 coax connector provides convenient water resistance connection |
Requires coax pigtail at extra cost that invites water incursion |
Low suggested retail cost $219.95 & FREE shipping |
STREET price Ranges from $229.95 to $295.95 plus shipping |