MFJ-1912, The Stainless Steel Portable Antenna Mount

Stainless Steel Portable
Antenna Mount
Temporarily OUT of STOCK.
Put up a 50-foot antenna mast instantly, anywhere!!!
Just drive your car or truck tire over the base of the MFJ-1912 mount. You're ready to set up your Inverted V, Yagi, or other antenna.
The MFJ-1912 is a stainless steel portable mount with every conceivable antenna connector on it plus two huge U-bolts to securely hold a mast.
3/8-24, SO-239, NMO, and binding posts have you covered for just about any RF need. Fits 2.25 in or smaller masts.
Works with MFJ-1916 and MFJ-1917 Masts, PLUS MANY MORE!!
Weight: 6lbs