Ever wonder what those mysterious chirps, whistles and buzzing sounds are on the shortwave bands?
Much of it is RTTY, ASCII, CW, and AMTOR (FEC) signals passing commercial, military, diplomatic, weather, maritime amateur and other traffic.
Tap into these "secret" signals
Plug this self contained Vectronics multireader into your shortwave receivers earphone jack. Then watch these mysterious signals turn into exciting text messages as they scroll across an easy-to-read LCD display. No computer, interface, special cables or other equipment is needed.
Eavesdrop on the latest breaking news as press agencies from all over the world relay with RTTY -- its like having a private wire service in your home. Copy RTTY weather stations from Antarctica, Mali, Congo and many others.
Listen to military traffic passing from Panama, Cyprus, Peru, etc. Catch diplomatic, research, commercial and maritime traffic. Listen to maritime users, diplomats and amateurs send and receive error free messages using various forms of TOR (Telex-Over-Radio).
Monitor Morse code communications from hams, military, commercial, aeronautical, diplomatic and maritime coastal stations from all over the world.
Theres plenty of exciting non-voice traffic on shortwave thatll keep you fascinated ... traffic you cant read unless you have a decoder.
vectronics exclusive TelePrinterPort lets you monitor any station 24 hours a day by printer their transmission. Plug your Epson compatible printer into the VEC-162 printer port and youre ready to print.
Vectronics MessageSaver saves several pages of text in 8 K of memory for later review or re-reading.
consistently get solid copy from Vectronics high performance PLL modem technology. Digs out weak signals buried in noise and even tracks slightly drifting signals. Mark and space tones are copied -- give improved decoding under adverse conditions.
Just push a button to select modes and features from a menu. a precision tuning indicator makes tuning your receiver for best on all modes quick and easy.
The 2 line 16 character LCD display has contrast adjustment. One line comes in at speed of signal, second line is delayed so you catch every exciting word!
Copy most standard shift and speeds in all modes. Vectronics AutoTrak automatic Morse Code speed tracking helps VEC-162 to track and decode high speed CW.
Use 12 VDC or use 110 VAC with optional AC adapter.
Much of it is RTTY, ASCII, CW, and AMTOR (FEC) signals passing commercial, military, diplomatic, weather, maritime amateur and other traffic.
Tap into these "secret" signals
Plug this self contained Vectronics multireader into your shortwave receivers earphone jack. Then watch these mysterious signals turn into exciting text messages as they scroll across an easy-to-read LCD display. No computer, interface, special cables or other equipment is needed.
Eavesdrop on the latest breaking news as press agencies from all over the world relay with RTTY -- its like having a private wire service in your home. Copy RTTY weather stations from Antarctica, Mali, Congo and many others.
Listen to military traffic passing from Panama, Cyprus, Peru, etc. Catch diplomatic, research, commercial and maritime traffic. Listen to maritime users, diplomats and amateurs send and receive error free messages using various forms of TOR (Telex-Over-Radio).
Monitor Morse code communications from hams, military, commercial, aeronautical, diplomatic and maritime coastal stations from all over the world.
Theres plenty of exciting non-voice traffic on shortwave thatll keep you fascinated ... traffic you cant read unless you have a decoder.
vectronics exclusive TelePrinterPort lets you monitor any station 24 hours a day by printer their transmission. Plug your Epson compatible printer into the VEC-162 printer port and youre ready to print.
Vectronics MessageSaver saves several pages of text in 8 K of memory for later review or re-reading.
consistently get solid copy from Vectronics high performance PLL modem technology. Digs out weak signals buried in noise and even tracks slightly drifting signals. Mark and space tones are copied -- give improved decoding under adverse conditions.
Just push a button to select modes and features from a menu. a precision tuning indicator makes tuning your receiver for best on all modes quick and easy.
The 2 line 16 character LCD display has contrast adjustment. One line comes in at speed of signal, second line is delayed so you catch every exciting word!
Copy most standard shift and speeds in all modes. Vectronics AutoTrak automatic Morse Code speed tracking helps VEC-162 to track and decode high speed CW.
Use 12 VDC or use 110 VAC with optional AC adapter.