Add 6 Meter capability to most yagis or rotatable dipoles.
Can be mounted to driven element of most rotatable dipoles or single band / multi-band beams without affecting antenna`s performance.
Handles 1.5 kW. Adds less than 1 lb to the weight and essentially no increase in wind loading to the existing antenna.
HF beam must be direct-fed with coax, or a 1:1 balun that handles 1.5 kW.
Power may be limited by the power handling of the installed balun on HF beam.
Can be mounted to driven element of most rotatable dipoles or single band / multi-band beams without affecting antenna`s performance.
Handles 1.5 kW. Adds less than 1 lb to the weight and essentially no increase in wind loading to the existing antenna.
HF beam must be direct-fed with coax, or a 1:1 balun that handles 1.5 kW.
Power may be limited by the power handling of the installed balun on HF beam.