MFJ-1852, 2-METER YAGI, 6 EL., 144-148MHz, WIDE BAND

MFJ 2-Meter wide-band Yagi
Covers the entire 2-Meter Band from 144-148 MHz
Our versatile new six-element MFJ-1852 2-Meter Band Spanner Yagi delivers 10-dBi gain, 20-dB front-to-back ratio, and covers 144 to 148 MHz plus WEFAX and MARS with rock bottom SWR.
Best of all, there`s no power-robbing matching network or finicky tuning adjustments because it`s CAD optimized for fullband operation using the latest advanced algorithms!
Whether you`re working weak-signal CW, SSB, digital, satellites, or FM, you`ll appreciate the MFJ-1852`s compact small size, light weight (3.5 lbs.), and stealthy good looks.
You’ll love the way it performs, with consistently low reflected power, high directivity, and superb rejection of unwanted noise/interference.
MFJ-1852 makes a great antenna for the home QTH, but it is also perfect for vacation spots, emergency shelters, field day camp, and rover excursions. The boom is 5’ long and the longest element is 41â€, so it’s easy to pack away on your next trip. Handles 600 Watts.
Has SO-239 feedpoint.
If serious about staying in touch, why not pick one up to cover all of your "bases".
It`s the perfect plug-and-play solution!