JUMBO LCD Dual Time Zone Clock
This JUMBO LCD clock display boasts giant 4 inch digits and MFJ exclusive TrueUTC time!
The whole display is 15 3/4W x 10 3/4H x 3/4Dinches.
It can be placed on a desk with its convenient flip stand or hung on the wall.
MFJ-139RC is solar powered so you never need batteries. A power on/off button lets you save the solar power storage when the clock is not in use, like when you are moving or packing it for a DXpedition.
Use 24 or 12 hour time format and you get TrueUTC time zone plus 8 other time zones including Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
A push button lets you select GMT or other time zone on the time zone map. Daylight savings time can also be turned on or off.
MFJ-139RC also has an indoor thermometer and hygrometer to tell you indoor humidity.
It also displays the month, date and day of the week.
Everything is displayed in one simultaneous look at this handsome clock. Beautiful metallic tan color and bright LCD display looks great in any hamshack or office building.