Tune in the Friendly Skies
This exciting project tunes the entire voice aircraft band, from 118 - 136 MHz, and picks up air traffic 100 miles or more away. Climb into the cockpit and fly "right seat" as pilots and air-traffic controllers work together to keep skies friendly and safe. Track progress of incoming/outgoing traffic in your area and gain advanced weather information first-hand from pilot reports and discover how the National Air Traffic System really works. This is not only a "fun" electronic kit to build and operate, its also a great way to learn about radio/electronics and aviation at the same time! Uses 9 volt battery (not included), and drives a speaker or headphones. The kit measures 1¾ x 3½ x 3½ inches.
Skill Level: Intermediate Requires more involved construction, you may use some test gear for final adjustment or tuning. Note: This is merely the kit. If you would like to purchase a case for your electronic kit as well, you will need to purchase the VEC-131KC separately.