The ATM-65 is an 11-section multi-purpose aluminum telescopic pole that can be used for vertical antennas or as a mast. Length is 64 feet when fully extended. Only 6 feet long when fully collapsed without clamps. Great for portable or temporary and permanent use---traveling, camping, etc. Includes one size of each of the following slotted tubing:
0.625"OD X 0.035"Wall-th X 0.555"ID
0.750"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 0.634"ID0.875"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 0.759"ID1.000"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 0.884"ID
1.125"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 1.009"ID
1.250"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 1.134"ID
1.375"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 1.259"ID
1.500"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 1.384"ID
1.625"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 1.509"ID
1.750"OD X 0.058"Wall-th X 1.634"ID
2.000"OD X 0.120"Wall-th X 1.760"ID
Also includes 10 hose clamps. Guying is required if the overall height is greater than 30ft. Top section is 0.625" OD and bottom section is 2.00"OD. X 0.120" wall thickness.