MFJ-933C, High Efficiency Magnetic Loop Tuner

High Efficiency, Multi-Band
Transmitting Magnetic
Loop Tuner
Turn wire or coax into a small, high-efficiency multi-band transmitting magnetic loop antenna! Work the world from 3.5 to 30 MHz using a full 150 Watts on sideband, CW, and digital.
No ground, radials, or counterpoise needed. A new 313 pF matching capacitor increases the matching range, and a high-efficiency butterfly capacitor has no lossy rotating contacts. Small magnetic loops are very quiet on receive. You'll hardly notice static crashes. The high-Q design reduces QRM, overloading, and harmonics.
It's perfect for apartments, antenna-restricted areas, and portable operations.
Loops can be as small as 4' for 17m-10m, 7' for 20m-15m, 28' for 60m-40m, and 50' for 80m. Loops don't have to be pretty. Any shape will work! Includes and Easy-Carry handle, a mount for a PCV loop support, and a tripod/mast mount.