MFJ-976, TUNER, BAL.LINE, 1.5kW, 1.8-30MHz

The MFJ-976 is a 1500 Watt full legal limit fully balanced antenna tuner. You get superb balance, very wide matching ranges (12-2000 Ohms) and continuous 1.8-30 MHz coverage including all WARC bands! It handles a full 1500 Watts SSB and CW.
You can tune any balanced lines including 600 Ohm open wire line, 450/300 Ohm ladder lines, 300/72 Ohm twin lead -- shielded or unshielded. The MFJ-976 also tunes random wires and coax-fed antennas.
MFJs fully balanced extremely wide-range T-network gives you simple, fast three knob tuning. No complicated switching between high and low impedance and switching in additional capacitance of L-networks.
Four separate 500 pF in two gangs gives you a total of 2000 pF for highly efficient low loss separation on 160 Meters. You get excellent 10 Meter performance because of MFJs low minimum capacitance and exclusive Self-Resonance Killer high-Q AirCore roller inductor with silver plated contacts.
The MFJ-976 1500 Watt Fully Balanced Antenna Tuner has a heavy duty 1:1 current balun that gives you superb balance and stays cool even at 1.5 kW.
True active peak reading lighted Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeter lets you read SWR, true peak or average forward and reflected power all at a glance on 300/3000 Watt ranges. The MFJ-976 unit measures 12W x 6H x 5¾D inches.
You can tune any balanced lines including 600 Ohm open wire line, 450/300 Ohm ladder lines, 300/72 Ohm twin lead -- shielded or unshielded. The MFJ-976 also tunes random wires and coax-fed antennas.
MFJs fully balanced extremely wide-range T-network gives you simple, fast three knob tuning. No complicated switching between high and low impedance and switching in additional capacitance of L-networks.
Four separate 500 pF in two gangs gives you a total of 2000 pF for highly efficient low loss separation on 160 Meters. You get excellent 10 Meter performance because of MFJs low minimum capacitance and exclusive Self-Resonance Killer high-Q AirCore roller inductor with silver plated contacts.
The MFJ-976 1500 Watt Fully Balanced Antenna Tuner has a heavy duty 1:1 current balun that gives you superb balance and stays cool even at 1.5 kW.
True active peak reading lighted Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeter lets you read SWR, true peak or average forward and reflected power all at a glance on 300/3000 Watt ranges. The MFJ-976 unit measures 12W x 6H x 5¾D inches.