Tune up your antenna tuner without transmitting a single milliwatt! You cant cause QRM -- theres no radiated power. Precisely tune your antenna tuner for a 1:1 SWR -- no additional "tweaking" needed.
Protect your transceiver and antenna tuner. Avoid dangerous overheating and arcing caused by high SWR and long tune-ups.
Its easy to use! Plugs between transceiver and antenna tuner. Adjust tuner for a null in receiver noise by ear or S-Meter and you have 1:1 SWR! Tuning noise is modulated -- easy to recognize. RF*Guard bypasses the VEC-512 to prevent damage.
Handles up to 300 Watts. Works with all transceivers from 160 through 6 Meters.Use 9 - 12 Volts DC or 9 Volt battery (not included.)
Protect your transceiver and antenna tuner. Avoid dangerous overheating and arcing caused by high SWR and long tune-ups.
Its easy to use! Plugs between transceiver and antenna tuner. Adjust tuner for a null in receiver noise by ear or S-Meter and you have 1:1 SWR! Tuning noise is modulated -- easy to recognize. RF*Guard bypasses the VEC-512 to prevent damage.
Handles up to 300 Watts. Works with all transceivers from 160 through 6 Meters.Use 9 - 12 Volts DC or 9 Volt battery (not included.)